

Jellyreach allows you to import your contacts data by:

In this article, you can see how to import your contacts with CSV upload.

How to Import Contacts from CSV

If you don't have imported contacts, click on Contacts and you will see a message with the buttons to Import CSV or Add Integration.

Click on Import CSV, and you'll have a modal dialog to drag and drop your CSV file or select it from your computer.

Note that CSV can be a maximum size of 10 MB.

Match CSV columns to contact attributes. You need to select at least client ID, email, or phone.

Click on Save, and select whether you want to insert contacts in bulk or you wish to update contacts (if exist) or insert.

If you select Update or Insert you'll need to select the identifier attribute we will use to determine if the contact exists.

Click on save, refresh the page and you will see something like this.

Once you import your data, you can use it to make segments and personalize your messages.